The Green Mile is The Shawshank Redemption's lesser known cousin. The book was written by Stephen King and the movie was directed by Frank Darabount who also directed the Shawshank Redemption. Unlike The Shawshank Redemption which is told from the point of view of the prisoners, The Green Mile is told from the perspective of the cheerful guards. Paul Edgecomb is a warden of the death row part of a prison in Lousiana. The prisoners and the prison guards have nicknamed the facility the green mile. John Coffey, a huge black man, arrives at the Green Mile. He seems very infantile and simple minded and asks that the lights are left on because he is afraid of the dark. John is accused of killing and raping two young girls. Later on Paul realizes that John Coffey has the ability to heal creatures and people. The acting was amazing, yet I feel that this movie seems childish compared to the Shawshank Redemption. Though it was an interesting movie to watch, I don't think to be either believable or realistic. The Green Mile had a Disney sort of feel to it and it also put out a lot of (stupid) empathy for a mouse. This movie could have been so much more, but unfortunately it just fell short of my expectations of a director/writer like Darabount. Still, this movie is worth a watch so I recommend seeing it if you like movies about miracles or unrealistic prisons. I give this movie a 3/5. Post your ratings and comments below.
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